When false self disappears it becomes apparent that there’s only one ‘I’ in the universe. This sometimes is said as, there’s only One.

The notion of a personal ‘I’ is seen through, is seen as a phantom, it wavers in the fresh breeze flowing from the source of all and fades, never to be seen again.

What there is then has no personal sense of ‘I’ in it — it cannot be described, it will be personalised by description — it is indescribable but oh so actual, it’s there for you to live when you can: and then just be it. May it happen soon.

A related issue is the personal will.

A person has a will, after all, more or less, such is the appearance. The personal will is manifest in personal will-full-ness.

Does the personal will die at the same time as the personal ‘I’?

It may not. It may linger — or at least it did here. Or better, the notion of it lingered.

Until now.

Because it is seen that the notion of the personal ‘will’ is as deluded, as much of a figment, as the notion of the personal ‘I’.

There’s only one ‘Will’ in the Universe. Only One. Only one ‘I’.

In the ‘religious’ and ‘spiritual’ ways there is much talk of surrendering the personal will to the universal: a rather well-known example is ‘…yet not my will but Thine be done’, often used as a maxim and aim.

It is seen that this could not have been an enlightened master’s words. This could not have been said from the same clarity that said, ‘Why callest thou me good? there is none good but One’.

There could never have been in such a master, such a One-demeaning notion, as that there could ever be a secondary will, a ‘my will’ to set against the One Will. The notion lacks meaning.

There’s only One in the Uni-verse.

Image by moritz320 from Pixabay