From here where I now am placed I see the problem with the whole of what we call human society and culture. That problem is that the whole thing is premised on a set of complete falsehoods; though hardly anybody is aware of this. Better, no-one!
The first great falsehood, of which people are more or less aware but of which they are not presently conscious, is that we are all quite apparently going to die. This means that whatever we accumulate in our lives is going to be left behind.

As I say, most people have some awareness of this but they don’t seem to allow this awareness to guide their behaviour in life. The limited animal aspiration to accumulate resources and dominate the local environment is transmuted in the ‘human’ being into an unlimited and knowing desire to accumulate without limit and dominate all. Driving it all, the fear of loss, and ultimately fear of death; a fear that animals apparently lack except when the threat is imminent—as they lack reflexive knowing.
The fundamental core belief that lies within such conceptions as ‘capitalism’ is that ‘more is better’. Of course more than nothing is most definitely better for those who are starving or have nowhere to live. But once you have the basic requirements of life sorted out, how much more do you need?
Is it perhaps the case, that if everybody only took what they needed, there would be enough for everybody to have what they needed?
The other more toxic reality that lies behind this and every other part of the posturing of human life is the second falsehood. This is the promotion of the self and its needs as being the central imperative of all human action. Of course, this also lies at the root of capitalist acquisition which is acquisition for the self. The problem here is, as remarkably few people ever find out, that the self is not real. Consequently all its apparent actions, aims, imperatives, and goals, are also completely unreal. One has to find this out for, err, oneself, of course…