The first decision to be made is: are you serious? Or better put – am ‘I’ serious? And here again, the ‘I’ being pointed at is the I in the reader of these words, not the you that was the writer of them. I the reader would call the writer of these words ‘you’. So the very first step in making a decision is to realise who is making it, and if any decision is made it is ‘I’ who makes it – and I does not refer to the author of these words but the reader of them.

To get the idea, with whatever is convenient, point at these words (with a finger or a pen or whatever…). Now turn whatever you are pointing with around and point at the reader of these words. THAT is where I is1.

Note that very odd thing; that there is only one I. It is reading these words.

Note again that there is that massive asymmetry (only one of many to be uncovered) in that in fact, there is indeed only one I in the universe but many many bodies, all of which I call ‘you’.

There is only one I however, and it is always in the body reading these words.

Do you – the I reading these words – feel a great big ‘BUT!’ coming on? A ‘but are you saying that everyone else does not have an I in them?!

No. I the writer of these words am saying that I the reader of them calls everyone else you.

Only one I is directly known by whoever is reading these words, and it is always, remarkably, in the body reading these words.

  1. I acknowledge Douglas Harding for first showing me where and how to point.